Content forthcoming. Standby.

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been a bit derelict in posting original content on here. Sorry about that...I haven't had much time alone with my thoughts of late. But it just occurred to me (because I'm super quick on the uptake like that) that I do have stuff to share, stuff that you might… Continue reading Content forthcoming. Standby.

A fine night to test what you know

I’m starting to wonder if the ripple effects from discovering Frank Turner will ever stop. There's always something, some association or connection made, that can be traced back to him. I’ve met so many brilliant, creative people and have been exposed to so much fantastic music because of him. And, if not for Frank, I… Continue reading A fine night to test what you know

Making time

So we're in the lull between holidays, the few days when you've finished cleaning up from Thanksgiving but haven't yet gotten sucked into the chaos of Christmas. (Well, if you're anything like me, you haven't.) This is the eye of the storm, the brief reprieve before you end up buried under an avalanche of wrapping paper and tinsel and… Continue reading Making time


3 months 12 shows attended 28 artists seen 7 states traversed 2 road trips that weren't centered around a concert 5 beaches lounged upon 20 (at least) soft pretzels consumed over 1000 photos taken over 4000 miles driven dozens of friends made hundreds of memories made What did you do this summer?