Content forthcoming. Standby.

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been a bit derelict in posting original content on here. Sorry about that...I haven't had much time alone with my thoughts of late. But it just occurred to me (because I'm super quick on the uptake like that) that I do have stuff to share, stuff that you might… Continue reading Content forthcoming. Standby.

It was wild. It was wooly. YOW!!

I know, I know - I just devoted an entire post to these guys, but after last night, I decided that they're more than deserving of another. The husband and I made the trek to Philly last night for the Bellfuries' show. I'd been inquiring/imploring/harassing them via social media about coming back to the area, and… Continue reading It was wild. It was wooly. YOW!!

“Some kind of witchery implanted in me”

So we've established that I firmly believe that JD McPherson is the last bastion of true, honest-to-goodness rock 'n' roll. And because he surrounds himself with like-minded artists who are just as invested in preserving its heritage and integrity, one unexpected side effect of being a fan of his is discovering his associates too, bands I never would've known about… Continue reading “Some kind of witchery implanted in me”