The last plot twist, I never saw it coming

"The chapters of your life might take you by surprise, and the last plot twist, you never saw it coming." Thanks, Arkells, for the perfect summation of my state of mind. Apparently I'm a music journalist now? Did NOT see that one coming. But to say that I'm thrilled wouldn't even come close to describing… Continue reading The last plot twist, I never saw it coming

What I’m Spinning – Atlas Genius

"The future's not where it used to be." (This song is everything.) You guys know how I feel about opening acts - don't ever miss them and, if you've never heard of the band, listen to their set with an open mind. You might think you'll be bored and unimpressed, but I've found quite… Continue reading What I’m Spinning – Atlas Genius

“Some kind of witchery implanted in me”

So we've established that I firmly believe that JD McPherson is the last bastion of true, honest-to-goodness rock 'n' roll. And because he surrounds himself with like-minded artists who are just as invested in preserving its heritage and integrity, one unexpected side effect of being a fan of his is discovering his associates too, bands I never would've known about… Continue reading “Some kind of witchery implanted in me”