Starting at square one

I'm not the sort to remember quotes from the books I read, but every so often, one will strike a chord and it'll stick with me for years. One such passage comes from my literary idol, Stephen King*, in his autobiography-slash-how-to manual On Writing. I can't remember it word-for-word (and am gonna have to look it up now), but he basically says that… Continue reading Starting at square one


So I wasn't entirely truthful in my last post. Yes, reading is important to me, probably THE most important thing when it comes to my mental health and well-being. But it's not the ONLY thing. There's something else that has become utterly vital to keeping me centered and grounded. I'm also a runner. It's taken… Continue reading Transformation

My zen

Some people meditate as a means of finding their zen. Some people hit the gym, practice yoga, or go for a long hike through the woods. Some cook, some paint or sketch, some write. But the way I find my balance has always been through reading. It's my first love, the thing that best defines me and makes… Continue reading My zen

The difference two years makes

Philadelphia is a city with a bit of a reputation: gritty, hard-scrabble, rough around the edges. Its residents are plain-spoken with low tolerance for bullshit. Its nickname, the "City of Brother Love", is used with heavy sarcasm by anyone who lives within the city's media market, because we all know that if there isn't bad news, there's no news. Philadelphians throw snowballs… Continue reading The difference two years makes