The times they are a-changin’…

File this under "be careful what you wish for." There are some pretty big changes afoot. And they aren't necessarily good. It's one thing to stand on the edge of the cliff and ponder jumping into the unknown; it's another thing entirely to have a large, malevolent hand plant itself between your shoulder blades and… Continue reading The times they are a-changin’…

Finding your guts

A friend of mine just did something incredible and exciting and gutsy and more inspiring than anything I've seen in a long time - she opened her first art show. This may not sound especially remarkable, but in this particular instance it is. Like me, she was a long-time county employee. But for her that… Continue reading Finding your guts

Making time

So we're in the lull between holidays, the few days when you've finished cleaning up from Thanksgiving but haven't yet gotten sucked into the chaos of Christmas. (Well, if you're anything like me, you haven't.) This is the eye of the storm, the brief reprieve before you end up buried under an avalanche of wrapping paper and tinsel and… Continue reading Making time